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From Politics to the Gridiron -The Making of College Football Dawgs

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

Trump campaign Hunter Dworsky
Courtesy of College Football Dawgs


by Kyle Golik - Mike Farrell Sports/Sports Illustrated Media Network

In every walk of life, we are surrounded by stories big and small. In every waking second, millions begin a new human endeavor to reach a goal or fulfill a personal dream.

The following profile on College Football Dawgs founder Hunter Gordon Dworsky is like many that happen every day around you. What makes Dworsky’s story unique are the obstacles he overcame as a person, the challenges he faced personally and professionally, and the courage he demonstrated to challenge everyday conventions in various professional arenas.

His story, like all his Dawgs that support his vision for College Football Dawgs, gives an insight into the man who wants a unique experience for all college football fans.

"From the first Zoom call, I could tell that Hunter was a champion. I like startups and turnarounds. But College Football Dawgs was different than other startups I have been a part of. Hunter and Collin have something brewing here with the Dawgs." - Scott Salomon, Former USA Today and Miami Herald Correspondent

From Politics to the Gridiron - the Making of College Football Dawgs

By Tony Thomas, Lead COlumnist

What does it take to change the essence of a sport, and the industry that distributes coverage to the masses? It takes drive, determination, the will to win each challenge, to go out and compete at the highest level in your chosen profession, and the courage to do something that has never been done before.

Such is the life of Hunter Gordon Dworsky.

After receiving a life-changing medical diagnosis, Hunter defied the odds, which erupted into a true underdog story.

Hunter-The Wonder Years

Hunter was born on March 28, 1993, in Newark, DE. He was raised in a good catholic home by his loving parents, Lori, and David (and as Hunter would say the Perillo Family).

John Gordan (above) during the 1999 season.

Hunter’s maternal family was very instrumental in Hunter’s path to athletics. His uncle John Gordon was one of the best high school basketball players to come out of the state of Delaware. He was the 1999 American East Tournament MVP, a finalist for the Francis Pomeroy Naismith Award, and led the Delaware Blue Hens to two NCAA Tournament appearances under former Notre Dame basketball coach, Mike Brey.

In 2013, John became a member of the Delaware Basketball Hall of Fame.

God gave Hunter a mom

Lori was Hunter’s biggest advocate for him to excel in the classroom and on the football field. She insisted that her children be independent and hard-working. Lori was Hunter’s biggest cheerleader and his harshest critic.

"Hunter was a high-spirited child. Compared to his peers, he was MORE intense, creative, hyper-focused, energetic, and perceptive. These characteristics made Hunter a unique and goal-driven, successful adult with a positive vibe." -Lori Dworsky

She was always there for Hunter when he needed her. As the matriarch, Lori shared the knowledge and wisdom that only a loving mother knows. She doled out hugs and kisses and necessary punishment with equal enthusiasm. That sort of tough love comes with the territory in a competitive family rooted in sports.

In 1999, Hunter's parents received news from a doctor, who specialized in developmental disorders, that no parent would want to hear. Hunter was born with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior that can be a lifelong degree of impairment. Hunter struggled with his disability in the early 2000s. With Lori battling breast cancer in 2001, this was a difficult time in the Dworsky household.

Throughout Hunter's life, it was a battle every day to make friends and live independently. He would have to challenge his weakness in social skills through speech and behavioral therapy for over 20 plus years to make his dreams come true.

Despite this disability, God sent an angel.

God, Family, School, Football

Football was a rite of passage in the Dworsky household. David played football in high school and prep school (at Fork Union Military Academy in 1981 and was roommates with future 1986 Heisman Trophy winner QB Vinny Testaverde) and later played at the University of Delaware. He worked in the NFL and is a member of the Maxwell Awards Committee.

Vinny Testaverde with David Dworsky in 1981

Naturally, the football gene was passed down to Hunter at an early age. By the time he started high school, Hunter was starting on the varsity as a freshman linebacker and fullback, for a team that was ranked in the Top 40 in the nation, rare for any team coming out of tiny little Delaware.

He also was a terror on the kickoff team. In fact, in his very first game in high school, Hunter ran down on the kickoff and made the first tackle of the game, a bone-crushing hit on the ball carrier. From then on, he had a nickname: “Head-Hunter.”

Hunter played football during his first two years at Hodgson Vo-Tech. However, his disability almost derailed his high school academic career, had it not been for one man. A man who would become Hunter’s mentor. A man who would become like a second father to Hunter.

That man was an angel sent down from heaven in the form of Coach Frank Moffett Jr.

Frank was Hunter’s football coach, but more importantly, he was his one-on-one teacher to help him overcome his disabilities. Hunter had a connection to Frank as he and David played college ball together for the Blue Hens of Delaware under Hall of Fame Coach Tubby Raymond.

But before David and Frank were teammates, they were opponents. In a state semi-final game in the late 1970s, David was the holder for the kicking team that was set up to kick the winning field goal. Frank played on the defense of the opposing team. The ball was snapped, David placed the ball down and the kick was up, but Frank busted through the line and blocked the kick to preserve the victory (According to Hunter's father David, this never happened, but Frank is adamant that it did!).

Hunter and Frank would talk about football for hours, often to the detriment of the school lessons for a particular day. During lunch period, when all the other students flooded the cafeteria, Hunter ate his lunch in Frank’s office. What did they talk about? You guessed it-football.

They also talked about faith in God. Frank talked about his hierarchy of philosophy, which was God, Family, School, Football. Being a man of God himself, Hunter listened and took in all the teachings Frank had to offer. A devout Catholic, Hunter’s faith was a huge part of his life. It helped him succeed in football, and most importantly in life.

Via Frank Moffett Jr. (4x State Champion, 2x Coach of the Year)

"Hunter had tremendous energy and boundless enthusiasm in all things he took on. He had a cooperative spirit, commitment to others, and a leadership style that helped him make significant accomplishments." - Frank Moffett Jr.

Prior to Hunter’s 2008 freshman season on the varsity, Hodgson had won its first state title in football. As it happened, Frank was the first African-American football coach to win a state championship in the State of Delaware.

Frank was Hunter’s confirmation sponsor in the Catholic church, a prelude to things to come. He retired from coaching and now runs his own ministry, called Arising Ministries Christian Center in Bear, DE. He stood at Hunter’s wedding, and Frank remains a big part of Hunter’s life to this day.

Hunter did not let his disabilities ruin his chances for success after high school. With Frank’s help, he overcame his learning disability and graduated on time. About Frank Moffett, Hunter said

“Without Frank, I would not be where I am today. I would not have made it out of high school, I'd be a deadbeat."
Hunter and David coaching CYM football

After high school, Hunter took up coaching youth football with his dad. The son of a football coach, it was the next logical step. Hunter & David both won the CYM Championship (Catholic League in Delaware).

But in 2012, things changed, and Hunter was deployed on a new battleground.


A Foray into the Political Arena

He became a volunteer for the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign in the battleground state of Florida as well as Delaware. Politics was a "birthright" in the Dworsky family, as his grandfather, Bernard Dworsky, had been a national delegate of the Democratic Party and was the State Director for the 1972 George McGovern Presidential campaign. President Joe Biden was a friend of the Dworsky family for many years, as Mr. Dworsky & Mr. Biden worked together within the Delaware Democrat Party. (See below Hunter asks Presidential candidate Mitt Romney a question during a live town hall in Wilmington.)

Then in 2016, he hopped on his bike and rode down to the local office of the Republican Party in Newark, DE. He strode through the front door and asked what he could do to help the cause. A staffer put him to work as a volunteer making phone calls. At first, it was just going to be a couple of hours a day. But then it turned into 6-8 hours per day.

Hunter was then offered a full-time position as a Political Director for the Delaware Republican Party. He assisted many local, state, and federal campaigns.

Later, he was asked to run the Delaware State Senate campaign for Meredith Chapman, as a staffer. It was his first paying gig in the cut-throat world of politics. How much? A mere $400 per month.

Then, he was recruited by the 2016 Trump campaign and offered a position as Deputy Director for the State of Delaware. He was just 22 years old. Hunter assisted in the oversight of President Trump's 2016 campaign throughout the state of Delaware and managed the state headquarters. Hunter was even featured on the front page of USA Today as an up-and-coming political operative. After Donald J. Trump became President of the United States, Hunter moved on to other political endeavors.

Hunter met Michael Smith in 2016 and who taught him everything about being a leader, a good husband, and a competitor. He was his mentor throughout politics and used to always say “Know your worth” & “Fall in line.” Hunter helped run his 2018 State Representative campaign which Smith won by 140 votes. State Representative Mike Smith was a huge part of Hunter’s growth.

Hunter became the Communications & RNC Data Director for the Delaware Republican Party in the 2018 election cycle.

The Delaware Republican Party submitted a statement for this article. That statement reads:

"Hunter Dworsky, through his years of hard work, unwavering motivation, and steadfast loyalty, exemplified relentless dedication to the Delaware Republican Party. Hunter's tireless efforts demonstrated his commitment to the party's values and principles, establishing him as a pillar of strength and integrity within its ranks.
His steadfast belief in the Delaware Republican Party's mission propelled him to surpass expectations, inspiring others to follow his lead. Hunter Dworsky's remarkable journey serves as a shining example of the power of determination and unshakeable commitment to one's political convictions.
His contributions to the Delaware Republican Party will forever be remembered as a beacon of inspiration for all." - Nick Miles, Executive Director, DEGOP

After his time with the Delaware Republican Party, Hunter moved on to a national political consulting firm in 2019 owned by producer, International award-winning author, and entrepreneur, Henry "Chuck" Boyce. One of the main campaigns Hunter was assigned to was the 2020 Lee Murphy for U.S. Congress campaign. Hunter and Lee have been friends since and still talk to this day. Lee was even a groomsman at Hunter's wedding.

"Hunter was instrumental in my run for U.S. Congress in 2020. His marketing expertise helped our campaign attract new voters and raise funds. More than anything, his enthusiasm motivated everyone on our campaign team." - Lee Murphy, 2020 candidate for U.S. Congress

Throughout his time in politics, Hunter became a passionate advocate for the veteran community. At one point, he even helped start a political action committee to support disabled veterans in Delaware and bring awareness to the legislature in Dover. He befriended disabled Desert Storm veteran, Sgt. Paul Johnston (AKA Uncle Paulie), who would become his lifelong uncle.

Hunter left politics because he realized the corruption and the downward spiral of disaster that the country was heading in. He felt it was only a matter of time before the country was going to be torn to shreds. It didn't matter what party or values you represented, but it was going to take more than just him to fix the political corruption and problems of the nation.

Later, Hunter met Steven Wahlgren (3x national champion professional dancer) during a White House 4th of July event, and they both later decided to move to Los Angeles, California. They packed their belongings into a U-Haul hitched to a 2005 Ford red truck and away they went to start a new life in 2020, at which time Hunter left politics for GOOD. Hunter recalls,

“When I was working in politics, everyone was my friend, it wasn't until I stepped away that I realized most of them were frauds and incompetent. only a few are your true friends. That is when I realized I would never go back”

Hunter worked as a gold and silver commodities broker in Santa Monica, CA then as a leasing agent, becoming one of the top sales agents in his company. It was during these times, after an unpleasant encounter with a “boss” that changed Hunter’s mindset and sparked the entrepreneurial fire that he now stokes every day.

Hunter called Collin and said, "C-Dawg, Let's do something that's never been done before."

The Big Idea

And that, my friends, is how College Football Dawgs was born. A bold idea! The kind that two lifelong friends (Hello, Collin) wrote about on a cocktail napkin and sketched on a Grotto's pizza box. One that now lives and breathes on the world wide web.

Hunter and Collin at the Delaware State Fair in 2018

Hunter’s wingman on this journey to becoming his own boss is Collin Sutrick. They have been best friends for over a decade. He officiated Hunter’s private wedding ceremony in Malibu, California, and then was the Best Man for a large public ceremony in Wilmington, Delaware. Collin was Hunter’s intern and deputy in the political arena. Like Hunter, Collin retired from politics in 2022. He made a phone call to Hunter in April. That phone call changed their lives. That big idea they sketched on cardboard was about to become a reality.

“Hunter's obsession with competition and passion pushed everyone that worked around him to be the very best.” -Collin Sutrick

He shares Hunter’s passion for football and Collin’s dad is a football coach for FCS-level Houston Christian University. When Hunter suffered a near-fatal heart attack in 2018 at the age of 25, Collin was there to drive him to the hospital, which remarkably saved his life.

They may have grown up on opposite ends of the country (Collin- Auburn, WA), but had very similar upbringings fostered around their dads both working jobs in the sport of football. They are forever connected by the game of football and the game of life.

How so, you ask?

A Cross-Country Trip to Visit Touchdown Jesus

In 2018, Hunter and Collin (AKA Maverick and Goose) were on a cross-country trip from Seattle to Delaware. Being die-hard college football fans, they made some pit stops along the way at such schools as North Dakota State, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Penn State. They also stopped at the bluest of blue-blood college football programs, Notre Dame.

As they made their way onto campus, the streets and parking lots were jammed with cars. It was Freshman Orientation and Move-In Day. They suddenly began to hear the Notre Dame Victory March being played in the distance. Hunter told Collin to pick up the pace (Let's be honest, it was more like "Hurry up god damn it! We're going to miss the band!") as they headed toward the football stadium to get a glimpse of the Notre Dame Marching Band.

They arrived at the stadium. The band was nowhere to be found. They asked a passing student where the band was. The student directed them to the other side of campus, where they had just walked from.

So, Hunter and Collin made their way back across campus, again at a brisk pace. They could hear the fight song being played. But again, no band was found.

This lung-bursting, leg-cramping back-and-forth crusade across campus continued two more times in 97-degree Midwest heat. Then it was discovered that the fight song was being played over the loudspeakers stationed all over campus.

What was to be just a 2-hour visit ended up being an 8-hour quest for college football tradition and lore. Hunter and Collin visited the Grotto and the campus bookstore before piling back into the car. Hunter, being a staunch USC fan, shook his fist at Touchdown Jesus as they made their way out of South Bend, headed for the East Coast.

7 years prior, Hunter had snagged tickets from a long-time season ticket holder to the USC-Notre Dame game in South Bend. The tickets were behind the USC bench, and on the same row as the Notre Dame priests.

But Hunter, dressed to the nines in his best Trojans fan gear, had a grand ole time exchanging high fives and Hail Mary’s with his newfound friends of the cloth. USC went on to beat Notre Dame 31-17. It was the first game of the Fighting Irish wearing the new shiny helmets that they now wear today. 

Hunter Meets One of His Heroes

During Winter 2007, in his adolescent years, Hunter attended a Nike Coach of the Year clinic with his father in Allentown, PA, and was blessed to meet one of his heroes-USC head football coach Pete Carroll. Hunter was impacted early on by Carroll’s ethos of:

Win Forever”

“Always Compete”

“Do things that have never been done before”

At the clinic, Hunter handed Carroll a photo of him playing football. He told Carroll “I’m gonna play for you someday.” Carroll stuck the photo in his pocket and said “I’ll be waiting for you, we could use you.”

These values of competition that Carroll instilled with his 2003 & 2004 National Championship teams & 2014 Super Bowl football team are the same Hunter has used throughout his life and within our own staff at College Football Dawgs.

Actual photo given to Pete Carroll (taken in 2003)

What Does College Football Mean to Hunter?

For Hunter, college football is a religion. It is the traditions of each school that make it the sport he loves as a fan. Hunter and his dad, both being USC fans, would get chills or even shed a tear when the Spirit of Troy (USC Trojan Marching Band) would play the Trojan battle cry called Tribute to Troy which is an incessant stanza of pounding drums, and blaring horns, and reminiscent of rallying the citizenry to guard the perimeter of the ancient Troy city-states.

Hunter recalled the victory song written by Alfred E. Newman in 1950 called Conquest" famous for when a Trojan player stands on the latter after a winning game with the iconic "Sword of Troy." Hunter copied this same tradition at his own wedding in 2021.

Hunter performing "Conquest" at his wedding

Collin was a regular roommate of the Dworsky’s during football season. What started as a one-day event, soon turned into an all-weekend affair. He would go to Hunter’s house after school on Friday, watch all the college games on Saturday, soak up all the NFL games on Sunday, then leave Monday morning to go to this first class of the day.

They have a problem with the Sports Media

Hunter and Collin have a problem with the NCAA and the mainstream sports media making rules, issuing punishment, and reporting only certain sports stories to fit a “political” popular narrative.

They both agree:

“As in politics, major media corporations have significant financial ties to the college football conferences and specific teams. They have sold out the true meaning of sports journalism in exchange for the almighty dollar.” 

Mainstream sports media is much too influenced by the dollars they receive from the top conferences and teams. For example, the SEC has a 10-year, $7.1 billion deal with ESPN. When was the last time you ever saw a negative article about the SEC from ESPN? Look at the NCAA's sanctions on Tennessee just last week. Nowhere near as debilitating as the punishment it enforced on USC and Ole Miss.

"Just like the two-tiered justice system in our country, the NCAA picks and chooses who to punish and who to give a slap on the wrist. Our mission will always be to confront NCAA corruption and tackle the controversial issues."

Hunter and Collin decided to create an outlet with the commitment to remain free from financial restraint when it comes to coverage of significant, or even controversial, topics. The College Football Dawgs' vision is to cover every collegiate football program across the country, regardless of division or conference.

Hunter and Collin want to see honest sports journalism cover what matters to people in an unbiased way and connect to college sports fans. They want to accomplish that with College Football Dawgs, which was created "by fans, for fans."

One month after launch, they already have recognition from some of the biggest names in college football, such as Deion Sanders and K.C. Keeler, as well as big names in sports media, such as Jake Crain from Dailywire+. The College Football Dawgs Pawdcast already has upwards of 2,000 weekly views.

Throughout his life, Hunter Dworsky has overcome obstacles to achieve success, both personally and professionally. He battled and lost, from the Trump campaign trail to the Los Angeles Coliseum. But Hunter continued to "fight on." And he lived to win another day.

Hunter is happily married (2 years) to Steven M. Wahlgren, they reside in the Downtown Los Angeles area, coincidently only a 2-minute drive from the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. They have two dogs Theodore (11) and Gipper (7 months) named after Ronald Reagan (do not bring up the Notre Dame Gipper) and he was the inspiration behind the College Football Dawgs logo.

After graduating from the University of Delaware (B.A. in Political Science) and the University of Alabama-Birmingham (B.S. in Accounting), Collin moved to the Seattle suburbs where he worked for the Washington State Republican Party. He currently lives in Rosenberg, TX. Collin's nickname, "C-Dawg," is the inspiration for the name College Football Dawgs.


by Forrest Stiles, Director of Reporter Recruitment

A beloved and fearless man who has been through multiple walks of life and saw things many of us have only dreamed of. That is who Hunter Dworsky is. He’s gone from growing up and playing football in a small town in Delaware, to the political arena, and now back to football.

Everything has come full circle, and there’s absolutely zero doubt where Hunter’s passion lies. Running College Football Dawgs is a lifelong dream reimagined, and there’s nothing he’d rather do.

As you can tell, his family was instrumental in his upbringing and in getting him into the world of sports. He was groomed as a sports guy and not as a journalist. Hunter knows what fans want and need to read without bogging them down with things that financially benefit big corporations or the NCAA.

Hunter is helping lead us into a new realm, one never touched before, in which we are giving sports media back to the fans and running things from a fan perspective.

Next week, you’ll begin to learn about more of the reporters at College Football Dawgs and begin to realize we all have come together from multiple walks of life in this new weekly series. Check in next week to learn how a couple of our reporters have taken a path through the medical field and EMS to get to this point. You’ll learn about their passion for college football and start to see what sets us apart.

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